Please sign in

Please use your Vendor code as User id.
If you are logging in for the first time
please use your PAN in UPPERCASE as password.

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*By signing in you acknowledge instructions mentioned below:

Dear Vendor,

As you are aware that in terms of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (the Act) while dealing with Micro, Small or a Medium Enterprise (MSME), Cipla Limited (Cipla) being a buyer, is required to ensure compliance of certain conditions stipulated in the Act.

To help us ensure compliance under the provisions of the Act, if you meet the criteria for registration as a MSME and have registered yourself as MSME as per the provisions of Act, we request you to login into the portal and please confirm your registration at individual vendor code(s) that you may hold with CIPLA.

Incase you are not able to login with correct PAN please get in touch with your Cipla point of contact.

© Cipla